Monday, May 4, 2020

Business Communication for Citizenship -

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communicationfor Citizenship. Answer: Introduction Individuals are bound to abide by certain ethics for surviving within the society. These ethics judge the personality of the person, which proves beneficial for in the future life. Speculation of the issue from the business perspective, abiding by the ethics reflects the attempt to preserve the organizational values (Jondle, Ardichvili Mitchell, 2014). Viewing it from other perspective, ethical Considerations help the business personnel, especially the managers to set a good example for the employees in terms of Communication. This report, through the example of a newspaper article, provides an insight into the business ethics, which maintains the stability between the organizations and their associate partners. Article Review on Ethical Issues of Woolworths In an age of competition, reputed retailer like Woolworths is undergoing a fate, where the employees are losing their jobs. Indulging in joint ventures with the media personnel reflects the intensity of the issue, which has stained the reputational status. Outpouring of the encountered experience by the manager can be considered as a confession for inferior quality management (, 2017). The issue of poor management is a violation of the norms, which the business personnel are bound to follow. The selection of adherence and compliance to law holds equal importance in the Current business sphere, where the personnel are only concerned about winning the Competitive rat race. This projects the selfish side of the personnel, which aligns with the characteristics of business officials. The declaration of news releases projects the helpless condition of the Company during the intense crisis period. Achievement of negative outcomes from the Human Resource department compels the manager to knock the doors of the media in search of financial aid and assistance (, 2017). In such a situation, pressurizing the employees to work for more hours is an unjustifiable command, which highlights the Hitler like characteristics of the higher authorities of Woolworths. This characteristic shade acts as a deviation from the usual conventions of business ethics. Herein lays the appropriateness of the quotation, Is this treating a workforce in crisis with dignity and respect? Moreover, the character of the administrative authorities in this context can be correlated with the act of carelessness towards the preservation of the Core organizational values (Crane Matten, 2016). This situation made the employees of Woolworths independent. Typical examples are closing the door, which helped the staffs to reflect on the alternative ways and means of carrying out the business procedures (Hartman et al., 2014). The lack of communication between the employees and the staffs destroys the employment purpose for the Woolworths. The adjective cunning might be an intentional approach towards violating the ethics for clearing off the remaining stock (, 2017). Remaining tight lips in terms of firing the employees is the biggest mistake. Instead if the employees were trained by the managers, the communication gaps would have been filled. According to Kim Krishna, (2017), lack of oriental approach in this context reflects the unwillingness towards restoration of normalcy. Maintenance of consistency in this context questions the longevity of the company and the success it has achieved in the past. Conclusion This report has proved successful in providing an insight into the business ethics, around which the personnel are trapped for luring the buyers. The case of Woolworths acts as a live example for the contemporary brands in terms of preserving the core organizational values. Violation of the ethical considerations would strand the company in a lone island, devoid of basic necessities for carrying out the business activities. References (2017). Woolworths: Your stories. Retrieved 22nd May 2017 from Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. R., MacDonald, C., Hartman, L. P. (2014).Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility. New York: McGraw-Hill. Jondle, D., Ardichvili, A., Mitchell, J. (2014). Modeling ethical business culture: Development of the ethical business culture survey and its use to validate the CEBC model of ethical business culture.Journal of Business Ethics,119(1), 29-43. Kim, S., Krishna, A. (2017). Communication or action? Strategies fostering ethical organizational conduct and relational outcomes.Public Relations Review.

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