Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Research Study Of Marias Eating - 1769 Words

1. As described in the case study, Maria’s eating can be described as someone diagnosed with relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S). Moreover, Maria’s eating behaviors describes her as having relative energy deficiency because her energy output exceeds her energy input, meaning that she is consuming an inadequate amount of energy to support the range of body functions involved in optimal health. Furthermore, some physical symptoms of relative energy deficiency that she presents are fatigue, lack of concentration, and dry skin, which match some of the criteria for energy deficiency in RED-S. Further, she is also showing signs of increased concern about eating healthy, and her body weight, which has caused Maria to isolate herself from other people whenever she eats and experiment with restrictive eating. In addition, another indicator that suggests Maria has relative energy deficiency is that her blood pressure is low, which is an indication of low blood glucose l evels because of not enough glucose being provided through the diet to give rise to blood glucose levels.. As well as low blood pressure, the fact that Maria used to have anorexia nervosa, is another reason that she can possibly have RED-S even though she recovered from it. Previously having anorexia nervosa increases her chances of having RED-S even more because she can possibly fall into old habits again. 2. Maria’s dance, social, home, and school environment have legitimized her eating behaviors becauseShow MoreRelatedIntervention : A Therapeutic Intervention Essay1710 Words   |  7 PagesIntervention Maria’s presenting problem involves coming out as a lesbian to her homophobic extended family members. 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