Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Physical Beauty vs Inner Beauty free essay sample

There are numerous definitions for â€Å"beauty† yet every individual changes all through life dependent on what they see. The two significant sorts of magnificence are physical (or external) and Inner excellence. In view of the realities and examination on these two subjects; I might want to show the likenesses and contrasts in the manner people may see one other. What is the principal thing that gets your attention, from the other gender? The principal thing I see or notice about somebody is their appearance (physical magnificence). Physical excellence is depicted as someone’s tastefulness, figure, highlights, and appearance or to the outrageous as race (shading). I know when I take a gander at my appearance, I focus or contrast myself with different person’s highlights that may not concern me. The manner in which ladies power their external magnificence to get flawless with make-up, adornments, hair, and garments; clarifies why ladies have that power since men are attracted to physical excellence. We will compose a custom article test on Physical Beauty versus Inner Beauty or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The physical prosperity of an individual can have preferences additionally, for example, certainty and receptiveness to other people. I realize I can tell when a woman strolls by and she puts stock in herself. The burdens of being over driving in confidence can be ugly as well. Much the same as an alternate woman strolls by, and plainly demonstrates that she should be main focus. Most of individuals who have a more grounded physical appearance (excellence) might be solid also. The physical excellence might be pulled in at a specific time in one’s life yet in later years in life it will change. At the point when that opportunity arrives, that individual will lose certain, confidence and have enthusiastic move liners. The worry in life can influence the physical appearance as well. The time of physical excellence changes, yet inside magnificence is a decision to change. The inward magnificence would act naturally being you. It is the manner by which people talk and the worry or care for others. How might you know, what your identity is, in the event that you center around what different highlights every other person has? We would all carbon copy. Internal excellence could be centered around character attributes, a person’s propensities, comical inclination, or their confidence. Individuals who are certain about what their identity is will settle on the correct decisions throughout everyday life and if that individual preferences what their identity is won't change who they are for anybody. The individuals who have internal magnificence show love, quality, force, and expectation in their lives. The internal magnificence of ladies is more grounded than, physical excellence however what do others notice first? On the off chance that one individual that has qualities of physical magnificence and one individual that has internal excellence attributes both stroll by a similar person, which one do you figure he will converse with first? You can’t see the magnificence inside an individual. On the off chance that that magnificence outwardly isn't up to one’s principles, obviously the one judging is going to leave. With that, you can’t see the internal excellence. One of the solid variables of inward excellence would be knowledge. As it requires some investment, progressively like years, to learn and grow so does internal magnificence, fabricating the certainty and confidence in each other, will improve external excellence as well. Numerous individuals accept this platitude, â€Å"Beauty is subjective depending on each person's preferences. The similitudes and disservices of the two sorts of wonders are equivalent. I do think on the off chance that we as a whole centered around the two viewpoints, of the two marvels, we wouldn’t judge each other on contrasts. In spite of the fact that one magnificence has points of interest of appearance, the other might be mental steadiness and are content with whom they are inside. Inward magnificence may negatively affect an individual intellectually, what they wish to become, in view of somebody else’s appearance; at that point a person with physical excellence might be â€Å"to† sure about themselves. Internal excellence can change, yet with physical magnificence you can’t change however â€Å"so much† and excluding years will remove a person’s appearance. The people who image internal excellence would feel all the more profoundly, and think that its simpler to discharge those feelings or stress; and with being more beneficial inside, could settle on more beneficial decisions throughout everyday life. What every individual feels they are in within thinks about who they are outwardly.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

E learning Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

E learning - Thesis Example In spite of these qualities and openings, e-learning faces a few unmistakable obstructions. These obstructions will be investigated in this paper. Differing boundaries to e-learning can forestall or postpone the compelling structure or usage of e-learning programs. This area talks about a portion of the broad classifications of preventions to e-learning. Table 1 demonstrates the different hindrances to e-discovering that are orchestrated by distribution. Deficient innovative instruments, for example, absence of PCs, and poor or restricted Internet accessibility can block the appropriation of e-learning. Inadequately planned e-learning programs are obstructions to e-adapting as well. The learning framework for e-learning must be applied to preservice instructing, and if not, there will be issues in the structure and execution of e-learning. In India, schools don't have adequate gear for conveying e-learning, particularly in rustic regions, and data transfer capacity issues are additionally broad concerns. The nonappearance of a dependable ICT framework shapes e-learning selection also. Negative generalizations against more seasoned students sway the cooperation of more established understudies in e-learning stages (334). Absence of ICT information and abilities among more established understudies are obstructions to e-adapting as well. Educators are bound to execute e-learning, on the off chance that it is lined up with open instructions approaches and norms. KSA must go over the chance of ordering e-learning across government funded instruction levels to improve its appropriation. Contrasts in approaches and usage as a result of authoritative measurements can influence e-learning dispersion. Poor expert improvement toward e-learning can be ascribed to the association in light of absence of assets or potentially political will and solidarity. Instructors may not receive e-learning on the off chance that they don't see that the organization as steady to the abilities preparing and different requirements of e-learning stage. Poor arrangement between e-learning objectives and educational plan can block e-learning adequacy. Table 1 shows

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Rise of Livestreaming Why People Watch, and How Brands Can Benefit

The Rise of Livestreaming Why People Watch, and How Brands Can Benefit Very recently we entered the year 2019, and it goes without saying that most of the world is connected via the Internet.It is obvious that as we enter further and further into the digital era that we are not only keeping track of what is happening around the world but are also sharing our thoughts, ideas, and experiences with our friends, family, and followers.It seems that social media platforms which we use on a regular basis, whether we are talking about Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, just to name a few, are some kind of checkpoints in a large system of information which is an important part of our global village.FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCEFrom a Daily User’s Point of ViewTo put things into perspective of what I am talking about, we need to look at our daily habits of interaction on the Internet.The people and pages we follow, the news we read, the videos we watch or better yet the never-ending source of new information which are presented to us by simply tapping a screen or clicking a button share one important thing â€" an audience.Seems logical enough right? Yet again sometimes we forget that we all play a part in a large stage show called social media. Some play the roles of the main actor; some are just a part-time attraction, while most of us are innocent bystanders.Behind the SceneNow you may be wondering who is behind all this, who are the people who make content for us to watch and enjoy? That is a difficult question to answer if you keep in mind that anyone can post anything they want on their social media profile at any given time.Having said this, and knowing the hard climb into Internet stardom and gaining mass popularity in general, when we talk about the main actors of this so-called show program known as the Internet we could list them by several categories:YouTubers â€" vloggers, gamers, informative content creators, fashion and make-up tutorials, podcasts and many others could be included in this category.Famous actors, singers, musicians â€" t heir fans want to know everything about their day-to-day life and get news about their new projects.Great thinkers and writers â€" these are reserved for people who appreciate their work, and want to learn more about them.Politicians and businessmen â€" coming from someone who is a great deal interested in politics, I can assure you that there is no better way to be in touch with the latest news concerning politics than to watch and read tweets right from the source.Sportsmen â€" this needs to be included in the list because of a large audience that these people and their matches attract.THE RISEWhy do people actually watch live-streams?In my previous explanation, I wanted to point out some key elements of what makes someone or something popular to provide a better understanding of why people actually watch that content.Now my main goal is to pinpoint what kind of content is shown through live-streams and how live-streaming changed the course of social media altogether.There are two major reasons people watch live-streams:Keeping up with the world â€" as our world is changing at a very quick pace, being in sync with all big events is much easier if you tune in right when those events take place and not waiting to hear about them later on through some other information channels.The down-fall of Television â€" knowing that you can find more content and live-streams on the Internet than your TV channels much quicker and easier than ever before.How does this change the game?It is obvious that with the option of live-streaming you can tune into any program, podcast, football match and so on, at any time and place whether you are using your phone, laptop or computer.This option attracts people and gives them the opportunity to keep track of all their interests and get the content that they want to see all in one place.I’m now making a list similar to the in the previous introduction but with some changes, pointing out the categories of content rather than the acto rs themselves:Gaming â€" you may be shocked to find out that internet gaming has one of the largest audiences in the world and platforms like YouTube and especially Twitch offer lots of live-streams at any given time of players playing all kinds of games.Social media â€" we are all aware of both Instagram and Facebook stories and live videos, and the importance of views and followers because they show the relevance and reach of the content.Podcasts â€" there are many different types of podcasts depending on the content itself and I’m going to make a short list of some of them:InterviewsConversationalEducationalSolo-castsStorytellingSports matches â€" I’ve mentioned them before and believe they are an important group of content due to the fact that there are not only many sports events every day but also a large number of fans who want to watch their favorite team or athlete and how they perform.Now that we talked about why people watch live-streams and what is popular in the int ernet community, it is time to dwell deep into the question of how to use live-streaming to present your product to the viewers.MARKETING 101Consumers’ PsychologyWe had an introduction about the viewers and consumers perspective and by doing so we made a foundation about the subject of branding products on live-streams.Whether you have just started out as a young entrepreneur or maybe you are a part or in charge of a big company, you need to know a little bit of consumers’ psychology what makes a person buy a product when they watch a live-stream and see some kind of advertisement for that specific product?I will be giving a more detailed answer to this puzzling question later but for now, I wanted to make a short list of things that can be advertised via live-stream. Keep in mind that there are various types of things that can be branded and presented so I will try my best to put them all in the following groups:Websites â€" whether we are talking about the promotion of sites for companies in development or just standard site advertising, the principle is the same â€" the website needs to be at least somewhat connected to the content being viewed.Products â€" branding your products that you want to sell don’t strictly need to be associated with the content and this is done by either signing contracts with the person or group of people that are making the stream giving your product a shout-out or maybe even reviewing it.Events and shows â€" this one are simple, if you are organizing an event you can pay the streamer to give it a shout-out, maybe even getting the streamer to be part of the event to attract more visitors.I know this list isn’t full of information about the exact types of products and websites that can be branded, but knowing the fact that there is so much out there that can be advertised during a live-stream I will make it up to you by giving specific examples of the way all of this works. Examples for Branding a Product1.  Gaming Commu nityYes, I’ve mentioned gaming before and now I’m mentioning it again â€" games make a lot of money both for the developers who make them and to big companies who advertise their products through them.How it works is you enter a live-stream, you see the streamer is wearing branded headphones and using branded computer equipment, he is drinking some branded energy drink and so on. It sounds silly but this gets viewers interested in the product which the streamer is using and they want to buy it because they believe he is using quality products.We all know the gamers are paid to use, wear or even drink specific brands, and this creates an illusion to the viewers that the brand is a good one, which more often than not turns out to be true because big brands that do these kinds of advertisement are known to be the best of the best. It’s more about boosting the name of the brand than tricking people into buying it.Also, gamers get paid to advertise certain websites which either hav e some link to the games they are playing or are simply useful for learning, reading, making music etc.Gamers dont seem to care too much about what they are advertising because they either need the money from the ads or they already got money from competing in gaming events so keep that in mind if you are planning to start branding your products on live-streams.2. Sports MatchesSomeone would think that I am a sports fanatic due to the fact that I’ve already talked about sports events twice in this discussion but now it’s time to explain at what I was getting at the whole time.When you watch a live stream, for example, a football match, you are sure to spot advertisement wherever you look. Whether it is on the jersey of the team, or below the grandstand, big companies tend to pay a lot of money for their products to be advertised at these big events.Im going to do some of the advertising myself and mention the classic example of Nike and Adidas.Now it doesnt matter if you are a f an of Nike or Adidas or even neither, these brands are living proof of how much profit there is to make when you are a company for sporting equipment and how to effectively present your product to the world of sports.3. Social MediaIf you ask me there is no better way to market your product if you are a company in development or an entrepreneur than using the benefits of Instagram or Facebook live videos.Some people became famous for having lots of followers on Instagram and more often than not you can see those people advertise all sorts of products like beauty products and clothing brands.Due to the fact that live videos are a common practice in both the world of Instagram and Facebook, this can be a great way to present your product to some kind of an audience, because you have to start somewhere.The good thing about social media also is that lots of celebrities use it and we already talked about how their fans want to find out everything they do in their life. This can be used t o your advantage if you are a big company and big companies actually do it all the time by letting famous people wear their brand of clothes for example, or use other kinds of products. 4. PodcastsI’ve left podcasts to be the last example simply because there is a lot to talk about and a lot of things can be branded by paying the streamers for advertisement.Not to mention that podcasts are a great way to even present your product or website altogether by maybe having the streamers review it or talk about the features of the product in some part of the stream.Maybe you want your website for language courses to be advertised, for example, you could get in contact with a podcast streamer and ask him to advertise your website at one point of his show.Now depending on the price or even the interest of the streamer you will either succeed or fail at this, but since you are a small company and there are lots of streamers who are willing to present any given product, you shouldn’t have a problem finding the right streamer for the job.On the other hand, if you are a big company known for your product and it’s quality but want your brand to have a greater reach to the audience I’m sure that any streamer would be glad to take your offer to advertise it because it benefits them too.Again I’m going to advertise a brand, specifically a website, in order to give you a better example of what I’m aiming at. I want to mention Skillshare, it is an online learning platform where you can learn a wide range of subjects and languages and also teach online and earn money.Now I’ve seen this website being advertised in all sorts of videos but never really took a chance to visit it, but that’s not important. What’s important is that everything depends on the type of product which you want to advertise and where you should do the actual advertising.If you want to present your website for learning languages as we mentioned, you should try to find a podcast where they tal k about linguistics or where the podcasts are in different languages for example.The same goes for big brands, for example, Nike should try to find a podcast where they talk about what is cool and ‘fresh now for the younger generation due to the fact that teenagers like to spend a lot of money on expensive sneakers.Use these examples as some kind of retrospect of what type of product can be advertised in which live-stream.HOW TO START USING THE POWER OF LIVE-STREAMFrom Ideas to ProfitWe talked about why people watch live-streams, how companies can use this to market their product and also gave some examples of specific brands that made it big time.If you also want to make it big and earn a lot of money and you consider starting a company, or you already have a company but want to make, even more, you first need to know three things:Ideas, ideas, and ideas â€" you see I changed the famous Hilton phrase a little bit, but I did it to get you to pay attention to the most important thi ng when it comes to business, because without a new idea, chances are you wont be able to attract the audience you want to attract.Startup capital â€" you’ve got to invest in your idea in order for it to become a reality, nothing ventured nothing gained.Knowing the market â€" and better yet knowing your consumers, this is where live-streaming can be used to get a better perspective of what is being watched and what viewers most pay attention to.That being said, now we can move on to some tips on how to start a business, and efficiently place your product on the market of live-streaming.Getting StartedYou have your idea, you have some cash lying around waiting to be spent, you did some research on the market, and the question is â€" what now?Things tend to get a little complicated around this part mainly because lots of ideas have failed due to the lack of innovation or poor marketing, but an important thing to remember is that you have to keep trying.You need a group of experts wh o can make your idea into a reality and also present your product the right way, doing it by yourself is a slippery slope because it takes a lot of time, energy and money to do this correctly.When you finally get your idea to work and the product is finished, you will be faced with the ultimate task of branding your product correctly. This is where I think that live-streaming can help you substantially in achieving your goal.Get to Know Your ConsumersI can’t stress out this enough, in order for you to do well in marketing you need to know what your buyers want and at which specific groups of people to aim your product.You need to do some homework on:Knowing the age group of your buyers and what kind of live-streams they watch.The region where a specific group of viewers lives and in which languages they watch the stream.Common interests of the viewers because a large portion of them will be interested in your product if it has something to do with the stream they are watching.Type s of streams and who the streamers are because it will be easier to find that one stream that suits your needs.Number of streams with similar content due to the fact that if your product is being advertised on multiple streams, chances are you will earn a lot more money.The Benefits of Live-StreamThere are huge benefits that live-streams have to offer to brands who want to advertise their product, and I’m going to list a few of them:It is cheaper than television â€" TV commercials are very expensive and can cost you a fortune for just a couple of seconds of airing.Timing â€" if you have a contract with a streamer you can choose when to advertise your product, this is usually done at the beginning or the end of live-stream.Advertisement during live-stream breaks â€" some live-streams have commercial breaks like TV programs, creating space for advertisement and this is a lot cheaper than TV ads as we said already said.Live-streams give you the flexibility and the resources that you need in order to have your brand be presented in a way that both benefit your brand and the consumers. You place your product on the market, the streamer gets paid and the buyer has more information on your product and will be more willing to pay for it. IN CONCLUSIONI wanted to summarize all that has been told in this article by saying that there are no limits when it comes to marketing a product through live-stream mainly because live-streaming has been on the rise relatively short, but that just means it will be a more useful and efficient tool for advertising in the future.Keep track of all that has been said, explore the market, and get to know the viewers, find out to which group of people to present your product, watch the streams yourself and analyze their reach in terms of views because the most popular stream will help you introduce the audience with your brand.All in all, the way to success is right at your fingertips, literally, it is up to you how you will use the resou rces given to you and how will people react to your product.   The marketing world is full of ups and downs and you must not lose hope even if you are struggling in the beginning.Now go out there and use the power of live-streaming to your advantage and achieve your goal. If you fail, which I hope you won’t, you can sit back and watch your favorite football team live and at half-time think about your next new idea.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Macro Economics - 11524 Words

Unit-1 Q1. Define micro and macro economics, Distinguish between them, and explain the scope, importance and its limitations Ans. modern economy analysis has been divided into two major branches that is micro and macro economics. Micro economics means the economics system which deals individual economics unit on the other hand macro economics means the economics unit which deals aggregate as a whole that is national income, general employment, and total out –put, general price level etc. These two concepts first time used by PROF.R.FRISCH of Oslo university in 1933. But ,later on these two concepts systematically explained by J.M.Keynes in his famous book â€Å"General theory of employment,interst and money†. Distinguish between micro and macro†¦show more content†¦Macro-economic enables us to take certain steps to counter attack the adverse influences of inflation and deflation. g) Study of national income: it is the study of macro-economic which has brought forward the importance of study of national income and social accounts. With help of national income we are in a position to know which country is developed and which is not. Again, with help of the national income correct economic policies been formulated. h) Performance of an economy: macro-economic helps us to understand and analysis helps us to understand and analyses the performance of an economy. It implies result oriented study of an economy in terms of actual and factual achievements. i) Nature of material welfare: macroeconomic enables us to study the nature and size of the material welfare of the nations, the problem of measuring the social welfare is not easy, even welfare economy does not help us at that time , w e take the help of macro economics. Limitations of macro economics: Macro-economic analysis is very useful in studying the national problems that is – the problems related to the whole economy but there are certain limitations too, these limitations are in the nature of particle difficulties in formulating meaningful aggregates. The main limitations are: a) False generalization b) Difficulties in measuring the aggregates c) Diversities a) False generalization: The aggregate approach draws theShow MoreRelatedEcon Macro Economics1987 Words   |  8 PagesChapter 1: Page 20; Questions - 4, 7, 9, 10, 11   4) What are the key elements of the scientific method and how does this method relate to economic principles and laws? The key elements of the scientific method are the observation of real world behavior and outcomes. Based on those observations, formulating a possible explanation of cause and effect which is a hypothesis. Next, testing this explanation by comparing the outcomes of specific events to the outcome predicted by the hypothesis. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Research Study Of Marias Eating - 1769 Words

1. As described in the case study, Maria’s eating can be described as someone diagnosed with relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S). Moreover, Maria’s eating behaviors describes her as having relative energy deficiency because her energy output exceeds her energy input, meaning that she is consuming an inadequate amount of energy to support the range of body functions involved in optimal health. Furthermore, some physical symptoms of relative energy deficiency that she presents are fatigue, lack of concentration, and dry skin, which match some of the criteria for energy deficiency in RED-S. Further, she is also showing signs of increased concern about eating healthy, and her body weight, which has caused Maria to isolate herself from other people whenever she eats and experiment with restrictive eating. In addition, another indicator that suggests Maria has relative energy deficiency is that her blood pressure is low, which is an indication of low blood glucose l evels because of not enough glucose being provided through the diet to give rise to blood glucose levels.. As well as low blood pressure, the fact that Maria used to have anorexia nervosa, is another reason that she can possibly have RED-S even though she recovered from it. Previously having anorexia nervosa increases her chances of having RED-S even more because she can possibly fall into old habits again. 2. Maria’s dance, social, home, and school environment have legitimized her eating behaviors becauseShow MoreRelatedIntervention : A Therapeutic Intervention Essay1710 Words   |  7 PagesIntervention Maria’s presenting problem involves coming out as a lesbian to her homophobic extended family members. 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Simply put: If you want your salespeople to have the same laserfocused intensity that my sales team now has, I suggest you not only read this book, but study it and implement it!’’ Michael B. Kirven, CEO of Bluewolf Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions A Tactical Playbook for Managers and Executives Keith Rosen, MCC John Wiley Sons, Inc. Copyright # 2008 by Keith Rosen. All rights

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reduce stress Free Essays

There have various way to reduce stress such as listen to music , exercises regularly and have a good relationship with other people. Topic sentence 1 : Firstly, listen to music can reduce stress. Supporting details 1 : different person have different favorite music genre, but the most effective in other to reduce stress is listen to slow and classic music. We will write a custom essay sample on Reduce stress or any similar topic only for you Order Now Supporting details 2 : furthermore, music can lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones. Supporting details 3 : Listening to music can relieve depression and increase self-esteem ratings in elderly people. Topic sentence 2 : secondly, exercises regularly can reduce stress Supporting details 1 : in other to reduce stress need to have exercises at lease 3 days a week, when done exercises, sweats release with negative energy from our body and keep our mind in balance. Supporting details 2 : Otherwise, exercises can keep our body healthy and away from diseased. Supporting details 3 : to avoid feel boring with the same activity we can change our regular exercise from gimnasium to swimming, dancing, cycling, playing badminton or other extreme sports like wall climbing, and jugle tracking. Topic sentence 3 : finally, have a good relationship with other people Supporting details 1 : get to know about our friends and be socialized. Supporting details 2 : have a good sense of humor and sometimes make jokes with friends in office. Supporting details 3 : must have at least one best friend that can express any problems, always make parents as the best person to find any problem solve because they always know the best for us. How to cite Reduce stress, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Business Communication for Citizenship -

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communicationfor Citizenship. Answer: Introduction Individuals are bound to abide by certain ethics for surviving within the society. These ethics judge the personality of the person, which proves beneficial for in the future life. Speculation of the issue from the business perspective, abiding by the ethics reflects the attempt to preserve the organizational values (Jondle, Ardichvili Mitchell, 2014). Viewing it from other perspective, ethical Considerations help the business personnel, especially the managers to set a good example for the employees in terms of Communication. This report, through the example of a newspaper article, provides an insight into the business ethics, which maintains the stability between the organizations and their associate partners. Article Review on Ethical Issues of Woolworths In an age of competition, reputed retailer like Woolworths is undergoing a fate, where the employees are losing their jobs. Indulging in joint ventures with the media personnel reflects the intensity of the issue, which has stained the reputational status. Outpouring of the encountered experience by the manager can be considered as a confession for inferior quality management (, 2017). The issue of poor management is a violation of the norms, which the business personnel are bound to follow. The selection of adherence and compliance to law holds equal importance in the Current business sphere, where the personnel are only concerned about winning the Competitive rat race. This projects the selfish side of the personnel, which aligns with the characteristics of business officials. The declaration of news releases projects the helpless condition of the Company during the intense crisis period. Achievement of negative outcomes from the Human Resource department compels the manager to knock the doors of the media in search of financial aid and assistance (, 2017). In such a situation, pressurizing the employees to work for more hours is an unjustifiable command, which highlights the Hitler like characteristics of the higher authorities of Woolworths. This characteristic shade acts as a deviation from the usual conventions of business ethics. Herein lays the appropriateness of the quotation, Is this treating a workforce in crisis with dignity and respect? Moreover, the character of the administrative authorities in this context can be correlated with the act of carelessness towards the preservation of the Core organizational values (Crane Matten, 2016). This situation made the employees of Woolworths independent. Typical examples are closing the door, which helped the staffs to reflect on the alternative ways and means of carrying out the business procedures (Hartman et al., 2014). The lack of communication between the employees and the staffs destroys the employment purpose for the Woolworths. The adjective cunning might be an intentional approach towards violating the ethics for clearing off the remaining stock (, 2017). Remaining tight lips in terms of firing the employees is the biggest mistake. Instead if the employees were trained by the managers, the communication gaps would have been filled. According to Kim Krishna, (2017), lack of oriental approach in this context reflects the unwillingness towards restoration of normalcy. Maintenance of consistency in this context questions the longevity of the company and the success it has achieved in the past. Conclusion This report has proved successful in providing an insight into the business ethics, around which the personnel are trapped for luring the buyers. The case of Woolworths acts as a live example for the contemporary brands in terms of preserving the core organizational values. Violation of the ethical considerations would strand the company in a lone island, devoid of basic necessities for carrying out the business activities. References (2017). Woolworths: Your stories. Retrieved 22nd May 2017 from Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J. R., MacDonald, C., Hartman, L. P. (2014).Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility. New York: McGraw-Hill. Jondle, D., Ardichvili, A., Mitchell, J. (2014). Modeling ethical business culture: Development of the ethical business culture survey and its use to validate the CEBC model of ethical business culture.Journal of Business Ethics,119(1), 29-43. Kim, S., Krishna, A. (2017). Communication or action? Strategies fostering ethical organizational conduct and relational outcomes.Public Relations Review.