Friday, January 3, 2020

When Good Hair Goes Bad a Sociological Perspective of the...

When Good Hair Goes Bad: A Sociological Perspective of the Documentary ‘Good Hair’ Within the African American community, there exists a notion of â€Å"good hair† and â€Å"bad hair†. This topic has historically ignited a great debate within the culture that has entrenched the community drawing no lines between gender, socioeconomic status, or age. To understand some of the dynamics of the hair debate it is important to comprehend the cultural relativism of the social facts and the belief held by the African America Diaspora. Cultural relativism is the idea that â€Å"something can be understood and judged only in relation to the cultural context in which it appears† (Andersen amp; Taylor, 2011, pg. 41). Social facts were described by Emile†¦show more content†¦40). A prevailing belief is that natural hair is more cost-effective and takes less time to manage (Titelbaum, 2009). Natural hair is also perceived as unkempt and dirty (Titelbaum, 2009). If one chooses to style their hair in a naturalistic way, effectively rejecting th e dominant cultural opinion and pressure to conform to the hair standard; they are accepting of the fact that their choice will likely garner negative connotations and reactions. In conclusion, impression management by women through hair styling is not exclusive to the African American culture. However, this documentary illustrates that this is a fundamental part of their diverse culture. The individual choices made about hairstyle preferences or deviance from the norm will ultimately foster a characterization of â€Å"good† or â€Å"bad hair†; which sets this group of women apart from women of other ethnicities. It must be quite damaging to the ego to believe that a naturally occurring characteristic as unique as one’s own hair to be perpetually â€Å"bad† when in fact, any hair can be beautiful in any length and texture. The debate surrounding â€Å"good† or â€Å"bad hair† in the African American culture is best summarized by one participant from the documentary, â€Å"having any hair at all should be† [thought of as having] â€Å"good hair† (Rock amp; Stilson, 2009). One’s self-image shou ld not be dictated by general consensus or dominant culture and the choice of conformity orShow MoreRelatedDeviance, Crime, And Crime1805 Words   |  8 Pagesand the ties it has to race, class, and gender. Compassion goes hand in hand with curiosity, because comprehending motives will lead me to a brand new perspective. There are a few things I already know regarding this topic. I know that part of being deviant is rebellion. When an individual is being rebellious, he or she is resisting the ways of society, authority and control. Rebellion can come in any shape or form. 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