Thursday, February 20, 2020

Who Benefits In Recession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Who Benefits In Recession - Essay Example That would take care of the other factors in the economy and that would help to define the recession. (Brainard & Perry, 2001, Pp. 176-177). The recession has a severe effect on the economy as seen by the events during the recession. As the GDP decreases the country attracts less investment. There is a dearth of investment during the recession. There is decreased demand in the economy and the companies find it hard to make a commendable business. As a result, there is stock of unused goods and machinery. The consumption function of the economy decreases and this has a multiplier effect in the economy. As there is not a proper utilization of resources, there is a relatively higher production costs. As the production costs are high, therefore, it has an effect on the consumption. Though there is a rise in the production costs, the change in the wages is not uniform. In some cases the workers are thrown out of their jobs and the in the other5 cases there is a decrease in the wages of th e labor. In the case of the productivity, the volume of the production decreases. Therefore, the production of the companies decrease and the companies are on the verge of the extinction. From the typical recession scenario seen from the history of the world, it has been noted that the conditions of the economy needs some time to change. The economic conditions of the country are severe and the companies get closed. This effects the employment in the economy and the production. Most of the employees loose their jobs and experience a pay cut. This makes it hard for the survival of the people in the economy. The conditions are improved in the economy by the intervention strategies of the Government. The condition of the economy during the recession needs some thoughts put in by the Government and the economy needs financial support. In the modern world, most of the countries have minimum intervention strategies by the Government. But during the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

TV Talk Show Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TV Talk Show - Essay Example Thank you for making the time to visit. Host: Our second guest is Dr. Hassad Taufiq, a Muslim scholar who is an expert on Islamic history and global politics. Recognized globally for his pioneering efforts in promoting peace and ecumenism, Dr. Hassad's reputation truly is untarnished. Good afternoon, Doctor. Host: The question that we will resolve this afternoon is whether imperialism is an issue of economics or an issue of intolerance and racial supremacy. That is certainly a painful time in our history and for better or worse, has helped chart our collective destiny as a race. First of all, I would like to ask the two of you: what are your concepts of imperialism Hassad: Well, imperialism is one dominant state exercising power over a weaker state, with no other motive but to forward its own agenda and make the weaker state subservient. It is only motivated by selfish intentions. Denise: It's really not as simple as that. Imperialism can take on more subtle forms. There can even be imperialism in trade, as when a superpower takes advantage of its economic clout to make a third world country agree to its onerous demands. Similarly, it is so easy to couch imperialism in words like democracy and order. Denise: There is a great deal of economics involved, the need to accumulate wealth. Towards the end of the 1800's, Britain felt that America was slowly catching up and was becoming the new economic superpower. Threatened by these developments and wanting to protect valuable market share, Britain embarked on a strategy: imperialism. Host: How exactly did they go about that Denise: Well, they gained colonies for economic benefit and to increase their military might. They provided Britain with new markets and resources. Soon, the other developed countries like France, Germany and the United States followed suit. Host: What continents or areas where particularly impacted by this Denise: Oh, definitely, Africa. The continent was too weak at the time to defeat the European Army and the Africans were easily suppressed. When Henry Stanley claimed the Congo River Valley for Belgium, it started the greedy scramble for pieces of this fertile land. For instance, France got Tunisia and Morocco and Italy took Libya. It was all about money and profit and gaining strategic strength. Host: Do you agree, Doctor Hassad: Well, I agree that economics played a major part, but if we are to focus on economics alone, then I'm afraid that it does not reflect the entire breadth of the problem. It is inaccurate to limit it merely to that. Host: Why do you say that Hassad: I think that at the heart of it really is the propensity of human beings to think of other human beings that they perceive to be lower than them in stature as tools. Host: How insightful and provocative. Could you please expound further Hassad: Let me put it this way - the objectives were not only limited to acquiring resources. Captured people were no different